
PNNL saving energy, money through innovation
July, 2016
External News

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory director Steven Ashby discusses VOLTTRON and it's ability to manage energy consumption in real time, in response to price signals communicated via the power grid.

VOLTTRON and the “Grid Edge” Tech Showcase
July, 2016
External News

The CleanTech Alliance highlights the upcoming Connected Buildings Challenge, which will be held at the Smart Buildings Center in Seattle, on August 3, 2016.

VOLTTRON 3.5 Released
May, 2016
Internal News

This release candidate is the culmination of development efforts since the release of 3.0. It is being released as a candidate to give the community a chance to explore the new capabilities and changes to existing features before it becomes the new main (master) branch. Additionally, RC1 will be utilized in PNNL's campus deployment to verify stability.

Test bed advances Washington state as hotbed of energy innovation
November, 2015
External News

Article highlights $2.25 million award from the Department of Energy, that matches the Clean Energy Fund grants from the Washington Department of Commerce, and how the VOLTTRON platform will enable transactive campuses for PNNL, Washington State University, and University of Washington.

VOLTTRON 3.0 Released
October, 2015
Internal News

VOLTTRON 3.0 sees major changes to the internals of VOLTTRON making it more flexible, manageable, and secure. VOLTTRON’s driver and data historians can be more easily customized to suit your needs. In addition, a beta management interface has been implemented to allow visibility into deployments. Communications have been re-implemented to use the VOLTTRON Interconnect Protocol (VIP) to secure communication within and between platforms.

Diagnosing 'Sick' Buildings to Save Energy
September, 2015
External News

Drexel update shares how a Department of Energy grant is funding development of Drexel's automated fault detection is diagnosis, which will be compatible with VOLTTRON.

PNNL to Tackle Future Grid Challenges Through New Facility, Capabilities
August, 2015
External News

Matt Ball highlights PNNL's new Systems Engineering Building, home to transactive energy research at PNNL, which VOLTTRON is a key part of.

How DOE is remaking itself to help utilities modernize the grid
July, 2015
External News

Herman Trabish highlights how DOE's Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy is working on VOLTTRON, an open source control and coordination platform.

Building Software Created by National Lab is Licensed to Private Firm
March, 2015
External News

Linda Hardesty covers VOLTTRON history and how an un-named Connecticut firm recently licensed VOLTTRON.
